Our Core Technologies

The world of Android app development is rapidly evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends and technologies is critical for success. In recent years, a number of new tools and frameworks have emerged, providing developers with powerful new ways to build high-quality, performant apps. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the state of the art in Android app development, and explore some of the reasons why it's important to use the newest technologies, such as Jetpack Compose, MVI, and CI.

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Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building Android UIs, providing a declarative approach to UI development that simplifies the code and makes it easier to build responsive, efficient interfaces. With Compose, developers can build apps using a series of composable functions, allowing them to reuse code and build UI elements that can be easily updated and modified. Compose also provides powerful tools for handling animations and state management, making it easier to build complex apps with high-performance user interfaces..


Jetpack compose makes Android Development faster and more fun, with almost no overhead.


MVI, or Model-View-Intent, is an architectural pattern that provides a clear separation of concerns in Android app development. With MVI, the app is split into three distinct layers: the Model, which represents the data and business logic; the View, which represents the UI and user interactions; and the Intent, which represents the user's intentions and actions. This separation of concerns makes it easier to develop and maintain large-scale Android apps, and provides a clear structure for testing and debugging. We use MVIKotlin and Decompose implementation specifically


Clear architectural patterns, like MVI, make Development faster and easier


Continuous Integration, or CI, is a development practice that involves regularly integrating code changes into a shared repository and running automated tests to ensure that the app remains functional and bug-free. With CI, developers can catch bugs and issues early in the development process, reducing the risk of introducing problems later on. CI also allows for faster iteration and development, as changes can be quickly integrated and tested, leading to faster deployment and feedback


CI makes iterations easier and fixes bugs faster

Internal Tools

In additon to all of the external tools, throughout the year we have started to devleop unique individual tools that are not available on the market. These tools are quite closely tailored to our business case. However, that doesnt mean they can't be reused externally. Almost all of our projects today have hughe parts of shared components and technology. The reusing makes development faster and more cost-effective. Some of our tools include: app-ui specific consent management (GDPR compliance), google play billing wrapper, google ads wrapper and common ui systems.


Internal tools are OP